
Travel by The Sephines


  1. (9:19) Oh Love, Where Are You Taking Me - Johann Philipp Krieger (1649)
  2. (2:08) The Grandiose Sonatas - Part 25 - Johannes Brahms (1833)
  3. (5:04) Calypso And Telemachus - Act 2 - Part 1 - John Ernest Galliard (1687)
  4. (5:12) Across The Desert - The Sephines
  5. (1:07) A Friend - Diego Pisador (1510)
  6. (10:37) Sunset - Part 1 - Arcangelo Corelli (1653)
  7. (2:03) Russian Air Number 21 - Konstantin Villebois (1817)
  8. (2:11) A Procession Of Splendour - Part 3 - Charles Avison (1709)
  9. (4:27) Giovanna D'Arco - Part 15 - Giuseppe Verdi (1813)
  10. (10:49) From The Fields - Part 2 - Karl Friedrich Abel (1723)